Outpatient Pharmacy Services

Outpatient Pharmacy Services Available Through VA

VA offers outpatient pharmacy services free to eligible veterans and for a co-pay to those who do not qualify for free services.

Those veterans eligible for free pharmacy services are as follows:

    • Veterans who are receiving medication for a service-connected condition
    • Veterans who are deemed 50% or more service-connected disabled through the VA rating system
    • Veterans with an annual income of that less than the maximum annual rate of the VA pension
    • Veterans who were POWs
  • Veterans who are in Priority Group 6 and receiving medication for service-connected condition
  • Specified veterans who are receiving medication for treatment of the head and neck
  • Veterans receiving medication for the treatment of conditions related to sexual trauma occurring on activity duty
  • Veterans participating in a VA approved research project receive only those medications deemed necessary for that project
  • For those veterans not eligible for free services there is an $8 co-pay charged for each 30 day supply of medication and any over-the-counter medications. Injections given for treatment and medical supplies, such as syringes, are available at no charge. Sometimes it is a less expensive option to purchase over-the-counter medication from an outside pharmacy rather than pay the $8 co-pay. Enrolled veterans in Priority Groups 2 through 6 have a maximum co-pay annually of $960. This maximum charge is updated annually.